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Help Center FAQs Listing Events

Create or Add an Event on the App: What You Need to Know

  1. Open the Triply Business app.

  2. Tap "Menu" from the homepage.

  3. Click "Events" and select "Create/Add Event."

  4. Enter event details: name, category, location, contact number, type, dates, times, inclusions, exclusions, and additional information.

  5. Choose tags for the event.

  6. Input event description or generate using AI.

  7. Choose a cover photo, add additional photos, and click "Next Step."

  8. Add tickets: name, quantity, price, and start/end of sales.

  9. Click "Save."

  10. If the event is free, mark it as such and input the number of tickets.

  11. Click "Publish."

Create or Add an Event on the Website: What You Need to Know

  1. Log into the Triply Business website.

  2. Click "Events" on the left side panel.

  3. Select "Create an Event" or "Add an Event."

  4. Enter the event name by typing in the text box under "Event Name."

  5. Enter the event description by typing in the text box under "Event Description."

  6. Choose the event category by clicking the drop-down arrow and selecting the appropriate category.

  7. Tap the "Enter a Location" section, type, and select the event location.

  8. Insert the contact number in the "Contact Number" segment.

  9. Select the event type by choosing "Single Event" or "Recurring Event" under Event Type.

  10. Insert the start and end dates by tapping the calendar section under "Start Date" and "End Date."

  11. Click "Select" when you choose your dates.

  12. Insert the start and end times by tapping the clock section under "Start Time" and "End Time."

  13. To add inclusions, type them in the provided area and press the + sign to add them.

  14. To add exclusions, type them in the provided area and press the + sign to add them.

  15. To add additional information, type it in and click the plus sign.

  16. Click "Next."

  17. Select the tags you wish to apply to your event, then click "Next."

  18. Add a ticket by clicking "Add Ticket."

  19. Insert the ticket name under "Ticket Name."

  20. Click the plus sign or type a number in the "Number of Tickets" section to specify the quantity.

  21. Under "Set the Price Per Ticket", input the ticket price in the textbox next to the currency symbol.

  22. Input the start date and time.

  23. Input the end date and time.

  24. Click "Save."

  25. If the event is free, click the checkmark box next to "Is a Free Event."

  26. Click the plus sign or type a number in the "Number of Tickets" section to specify the quantity.

  27. Click "Next."

  28. Upload a cover photo by clicking "Choose a File."

  29. Upload additional photos by clicking "Choose Files" and selecting your preferred images.

  30. Click "Publish."

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